Friday, August 31, 2007

:: Peter's cool collectibles ::

Check out all the cool stuff i found during my trip! I'm so excited that i have to post a shout out in my blog. If you guys like any of the stuff, just let me know ok? Am going to order a few of the items for family and friends. Don't miss out!

This one i found during my trip to China. The shop had a cool clock on the wall, its really fascinating. I would love to have one of those in my room, though i think i'd be late cos i would take forever to figure out the time! hehe =) And yes for those who know me, they will know what i am always late anyway

I think this bag below is just so Heather! It's made up of buttons on a computer keypad! How cool is that? I really must buy it for Heather since she is always online and loves to shop, right Heather? =P I saw this bag in this shop which sells the most creative things. It's really inspiring. One day, i hope to own a shop just like that, selling all the cool stuff that i found during my trip.

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